Friday 6 January 2012

Domestic Life

I'm not one of those women who feels that doing domestic things like baking and ironing and taking care of the needs of others is beneath them.

In fact, I'm very well aware of the fact that I am often beneath the domestic things.
  • The loads of laundry that never, ever, end.
  • The dishes that pile up.
  • The perma-dirty floors.
  • The DUST.
  • The scads of store-bought food full of preservatives and food colouring and mass amounts of corn-something, when I could have made my own.
Mhmm. I'm just one person too, so I can't imagine how a mom with a houseful feels (ok, I kinda can, because I grew up in a house of 6, but yet not really.)

But basically, the point is this: When I manage to make my house feel clean & homey, have most of the laundry done & put away, have baked bread, and ironed clothes, and feel like I'm actually half-presentable as well, that's when I feel a sense of strength & triumph.

If doing the housework makes a women feel like she's fitting a weak and dependent stereotype, then trust me: she hasn't done much of it.

That, or she's trying to come up with an excuse for being lazy.

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