Wednesday 11 January 2012

Guests & a New Recipe

Tonight I had a lovely evening. John & Michelle are up from Pennsylvania for a week and so they stopped in for dinner! I've never actually seen them in Canada before - sounds a little funny, doesn't it?

Anyways, because I knew they were coming, I raided my pantry & freezer and found exactly the ingredients to make the chicken parmesan I'd seen on this blog a couple of days ago. Since I also have made it my goal to try at least two new-to-me recipes each month, it sounded great & perfect for a dinner.

I had to cut the chicken into pieces and sub the mozza cheese with marble, but this was a delicious meal that looked wonderful over some pretty bowtie pasta. The only thing I'd do differently next time is make mine with more sauce. I dug a tub outta the freezer, but it was a little less than we could have had to go with the pasta.

And, after dinner, we played "Take One" (similar to Bananagrams, only with 7 tiles to start) and I did the un-hostess-like thing and won smashingly. But only after I fretted and pulled apart my game and rebuilt it and figured out a way to use the J, Z, X and both Bs, an F, a V, 2 Cs, and a D or so, with very few vowels. I've never called "Take One" so few times in a game and so I thought for sure I'd lose. Especially when I got the 'J' as my second-last tile. But apparently having letters worth so many points worked to my advantage (especially against John, who got stuck with all but two of the I's.) But, I was pretty proud of it - especially with words like brevity, maze, and prose thrown in!

Thanks for coming out, John & Michelle - I enjoyed seeing you again!

And seriously, you guys should try that easy-peasy chicken parm recipe!

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