Thursday 5 January 2012

A very Serry day

I know this wonderful, vivacious, gorgeous, spunky little girl named Serena. She's four. I call her Serry. She is pretty much one of the loves of my life.

This morning we had a conversation about that. It went something like this.

S: "Aunty Emily, I love you."
Me: "I love you too, Serry."
S: "Do you love me the most?"
Me: "No, I love God the most."
S: goes on a huge, cute tangent about how God lives in heaven and when people die then if they live they go to heaven.
Me: "But God lives in your heart too, right?"
S: "Yes, he lives right. in. side. But, you love me next most, right?"
Me: "Right, along with a bunch of other people."

And then she continued putting plastic clips in my hair as I lay there not wanting to wake up yet. (She was over for a sleepover.)

And then, Aunty Mandy came and we hung out in our pjs all day (ok, that was just Serry), doing our nails, watching Despicable Me and eating "squares" (Cinnamon Toast Crunch - a special treat only to be found at Aunty Emily's.)

I love that kid. She's my fave. (Ok, one of a few faves :) But definitely my fave 4-year-old, blonde daughter-of-a-friend.

But seriously, she is so much fun, and very well behaved (ok, mostly) and a great hairdresser :)


she did her own hair, and she's got pasta, squares & oj for supper = happy girl :)

Salon Chez Bunny-Serena

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