Monday 23 January 2012

Snow & Sunshine

See? Gorgeous.

Hello there. I don't usually say hello there. It only happens when others disguise themselves as me on facebook. So they can send love messages. You know who you are.

This weekend was absolutely wonderful. I don't even know how many times I sat there and gave a little contented sigh and mentioned how happy & content I was.

Part of that was that snowboarding didn't hurt nearly so bad as last week. I can do heel side! I can conquer big hills!  I can turn toe side to heel side! I can sweep people off their feet! (Sorry, Ed.) Next time though: learn toe side & turn heel side to toe side. And how to stop before taking people out, and from behind, no less.

Another part was that after snowboarding we traded up massages. Which took care of some of the extra aches & pains.

And then, the Rink & I stayed up far too late chatting. It was a good conversation though - totally worth it. Followed up with a good sleep-in and brekkie out.

Followed up by snowmobiling. I haven't been in ages. Pictures to prove the fun & the sun! (Above is one.) (I promise I didn't mean to rhyme all that.)

My camera took these photos - I did not.

Album art?

Oh, I took this one. Not snowmobiling, but still snow.
And then there was Mandy's birthday party - making faces w/ Serry, watching chick flicks & eating junk food. Love! But those pictures will come in the next post.

Enjoyable, right? I thought so.

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