Friday 20 January 2012

I learn

I have learned a lot since I became a teacher.
Like, I've learned I'm not that smart. That was from my students.
And, with almost all male coworkers, I've learned a lot about guys. Like, they're worse than girls when it comes to matchmaking.

Want some other examples? Here:
  1. I'm not that smart.
  2. Married men can be giddy like schoolgirls when it comes to relationship 'gossip'/matchmaking/drama.
  3. How to play football. Sort of.
  4. Volleyball
  5. Basketball
  6. Lacrosse
  7. Rugby
  8. I like national parks/Canada's gorgeous and more diverse than remembered/learned/imagined.
  9. That when guys don't respond to a question/comment right away, I'm not being ignored. They were just busy and will process the answer and respond later. Much later. When I've forgotten what I've said. If it takes longer than that, they will forget and I won't get a response. Ever. Because I've forgotten the question, and they've forgotten to answer.
  10. Nothing is more outwardly self-assured cocky than a 16 year old boy.
  11. ...except a 17 year old boy.
  12. Boys are sensitive. 
  13. They also care about their looks faaaaar too much. 
  14. It's because they're sensitive.
  15. To be more organized.
  16. I look 34.
  17. I'm glad I'm done being a high school student. Except during exam week.

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