Sunday 8 January 2012

O Holy Day

Jude 20-21 "But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life." 

 Today is a wonderful, wonderful day. I've been struggling the past couple of days with some recent occurrences and my inadvertent participation in them that has caused sorrow for others. You understand that I can't share the particulars with you, right?

But I can say my side: I have to watch my actions and words, so that they don't hurt others. I'm glad for the last day or so and the opportunity to talk with friends and gain new insight for myself on how I can do better at this.

The biggest piece of advice: pray.

I love coming to God in prayer. Prayer is powerful. God has answered prayers upon prayers, even in my life so far. How could I doubt it?

And so, I prayed again, and because I was so confused with my own feelings and what to do, I had no idea where to begin. 'Simply' praying brought clarity. God instantly answered my prayer by giving me peace and showing me the best way for the near future.

And in church this morning, the sermon hit home. The minister spoke about relationships, and about how sin causes so many problems in our relationships with others. The biggest problem is when sin gets between us & God. God reaches out and pulls us to him, forgiving our sins by the reconciliation that was made possible in Christ alone!

As I sat there, also through Lord's Supper and all of its meaning, I felt confidence. SO much confidence in God and in his forgiveness and in His hand caring for me. 

It is indeed a Sunday -  a day set apart for me to worship God - a holy day! Yay!

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