Sunday 1 January 2012

Fresh Start 2012

2012 -  a whole new year ahead of me. And you.

That means a new list of 2012 things I want to do. Some of these are resolutions, others are bucket list items.
Serving God is just expected. I want to do that in every one of the things on this list:
  1. Pray more.
  2. Re-design this blog to be awesome.
  3. Average 15 blog posts every month, again. That's 180 posts this year. It'll probably be closer to 200 by the time January 2013 rolls around.
  4. Post 366 days of Scripture readings. There'll be a tab for that!
  5. Buy a sea kayak.
  6. Read/finish reading 3 devotional books.
  7. Finish paying off my student loan.
  8. Learn to snowboard well.
  9. Lead the 2012 Kentucky SALTeam well.
  10. Visit at least 3 national parks.
  11. Move to Hamilton.
  12. Paint my huge canvas.
  13. Share one awesome recipe each month. There'll be a tab for that too!
  14. Try 26 new recipes this year.
  15. Buy Settlers of Catan from change I've saved.
  16. Finish two DIY projects.
  17. Donate to an 'extra' charitable cause.
  18. Let you a little more into my life.

I'm sure there will be more things. I'll transfer this list into a separate tab as well, so I can add to it & check it off through 2012.

Why the fresh start? Well, I really would like to develop the blog readership some more. And I don't want to sacrifice the privacy of friends & family that I've posted about before. So after a little while, I'll make my previous blog private & this one will be public from the beginning.

Thanks for reading! God bless in 2012!

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