Monday 16 January 2012

One step closer to reaching another goal

...and that is not a step closer to flossing regularly.

But here, take a look - and if you can't guess, then chances are you've also never seen snow.

Snow board courtesy of Etta (and her awesome friends who gave it to her as a birthday gift :)
The photo courtesy of Etta & her phone.
Photo editing courtesy me.
Bruises & other various aches & pains courtesy the hill and my lack of skills.
My slightly improved skills courtesy of my wonderful, and very patient, teachers/friends. Thanks!

But, I think I am getting the concept. Now, on to the actual execution of said concept.

Anyone wanna see me go head over teakettles? It could be pretty spectacular...I'm thinking this Friday night again, if anyone's up for it? I'm resolved to not give up on it & that means taking every opportunity to learn.

And, I am also going to be spending lots of time this week with bent knees & tippy-toes/heels trying to build up some of the muscles that failed me this time. You know, when I'm not marking end-of-term papers and such.

Here's to hoping next time goes better!!!

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