Tuesday 31 January 2012

Motivational Spiel

I'm posting this for no one's interest but my own. But if you're interested, read on.

I need to be motivated.

Here's my to-do list. My time frame is: the rest of today, tomorrow & Thursday (possibly Saturday night for report cards.)

  1. Mark 1 essay question x 22 exams. (2:40 pm)
  2. Total up 22 exams & insert into Markbook (3:28 pm)
  3. Mark 22 geography exams. (11:25 pm, Feb 1)
  4. Total up 22 exams & insert into Markbook. (11:51 pm, Feb 1)
  5. Write comments for 50 report cards (2 classes), completely write 50 more (2 more classes.) (Feb 4, 2 pm)
  6. Photocopy first two days' Bible assignments. (4 pm - after unjamming the photocopier.)
  7. Finish prepping Food & Nutrition (1/2 day?) (11 am, Feb 2)
  8. Grocery shop for Food & Nutrition (10:30 am, Feb 1)
  9. Prep for Careers/Civics class... (it got done...)
  10. Prep for grade 12 World Geography. (2:35 pm, Feb 2. sort of.)

Today's goal: #s 1,2, 6
Tomorrow's goal: #s 3, 4, 7, 8 (didn't get 7 done, but that was majorly pushing it!)

I can do it!!!

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