Tuesday 31 January 2012

Student Sayings I - ESV

I've been marking final course work & exams for the past week now, and boy are there some gems in here.  It's the only redeeming thing about marking.

Here's Student Sayings I - the English Standard Version.

In poetry:

"Walking together side by side now / Our love is growing like a dairy cow"

Exam question:
"How many years were Anne Frank and the others in hiding?"
Student Answer: "20".
My friend/also high school teacher's observation: "I think by then we would be reading the journal of Anne and Peter's kids!"

Exam: "Write three different sentences using 'their', 'they're', and 'there' correctly. (3)"
Student Answer for 'there': "There goes a boy eating a flying saucer while racing a kangaroo."

Exam Header: "ENG2D - Final Exam - two hours - June 2011"
Student: HUGE circle around header, ARROW, question mark?
Me: Oops...riiiiight. January 2012...

When reading carefully is a good idea:
Exam question: What is the best way for people to enter and exit Sarajevo [during the siege]?
Frequently seen student answer: Through the tunnel under the airport or by death.
                                                                                       ^ One of those two options is correct. 
Which is it?

Exam question: "What type of poem is this?"
Student answer: "It is an explanatory myth."
Me: Incorrect. It is a poem.

On the exam, a student uses the word "astounding" in his essay. In the margin he writes --> (I know big word :)

Essay choice: Compare and contrast the Greek creation myth to the Biblical account of the creation of our world.
Student's choice: "The Greeks and Babylonians have used myths to explain Biblical creation."

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