Monday 2 January 2012

Cause # 1: Anchor

Anchor is an organization closely linked to me. It's the  Canadian Reformed Association for the Handicapped and provides homes, as well as summer camp, for those within our church denomination who have special needs. They draw the name "Anchor" from Hebrews 6:19 'We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure...'
My oldest brother, James, has the benefit of living in one of the homes they provide. Currently, there are four homes. Unfortunately, they don't have enough monetary support.

Times are tight. Not everyone has enough to go around - especially when we're paying school fees, giving to the church, and supporting innumerable other charities.

But who can't afford $30/month for a grand total of $360 a year? I can guarantee that more than the 16% or less of church members who actually are members of Anchor can afford this. Most people pay more for coffee every month.

And, if it were your brother/sister/aunt/uncle/etc living there - wouldn't you like to see them have a second helping at dinner if they still feel hungry? Or a glass of orange juice made with 3 cans of water instead of five? The people working at Anchor are stretching their resources as far as they can go. But there's only so far you can stretch a dollar. Especially when you're at -$200,000 at the end of a year.

If you can't afford $30/month - give what you can! I remember being a student. It wasn't easy to make ends meet myself, but I definitely had opportunity to give.

Some ideas:
  1. Become a member!
  2. Give up one morning coffee's worth of change a week & donate that.
  3. Host a dinner and invite the residents of your local home (great idea for youth groups!)
  4. Host a fundraising tournament/dinner. When I was in youth group, we had a Dutch dinner and/or Pancake breakfast every year & the proceeds often went to Anchor (and the total was often close to a year's membership!)
  5. Bring a meal over.
  6. If you work for a company (grocery store, food packaging plant) that has leftovers or 'seconds" ask them to donate some! (Find out what the homes need first.)
Those are all physical/practical means, but of course they also need prayer and every single one of our brothers & sisters living in one of these homes loves company. You can visit as a family, a group, or by yourself. You can also sign up to be a cook/counselor for summer camp.

Please support as you can!

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