Tuesday 24 January 2012

Cafe Cravings

I just discovered this website today: The Sisters Cafe.

What you really need to do is go to their "Recipe Index" tab and just have a look-see.

Seriously, every ingredient I've seen is easy to find (or substitute) and everything also looks super simple to make. And for the most part they're not too weird or far out. You can tell these ladies are every-day moms.

(I'm not an every-day mom, but I appreciate it! Many other recipe blogs seem to be written by crunchy, vegan, hippie food gurus who have nothing better to do than make fancy, weird food. All day. For hours on end.) (I hope you're not offended by the hyperbolic description!) (It's just that they make me feel guilty about buying pre-minced garlic instead of fresh. And regular unbleached flour instead of organic. You know.)

I am going to go home tonight & search my cupboards for ingredients to some of my choice recipes & then write up a meal plan & grocery list. Because these look & sound delish!

Some favourites so far (I haven't tried them yet, they just have my mouth watering.)

  1. Parmesan Roasted Potatoes
  2. Oriental BBQ Pork Salad
  3. One Minute Salsa & Healthy Baked Chips  (she gives WeightWatchers stats!)
  4. Roasted Garlic Brie Bread

There's also a category for cooking with kids (if you've got any) and a super cute meal planner (in 2 formats!)

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