Sunday 8 January 2012

To-do 2012 Success & Fail

First the success: I got my kayak!!!!

Well, ok, it's paid for, and it's in my name. But, they're storing it for me until spring (and you know, until I can get the rest of the gear - like a roof rack for my car!)

Here's a peek!

The fail? I didn't floss enough last week. Eeeep. Shoot. Of all the things on the list, that one might prove most challenging to me :S


  1. Hi Emily,

    Richard 't Hart Here.

    Came across your blog via your Facebook page via some photos Ed posted. Sorry If I appear to be stalking you.
    Just wanted to say: I Love your Kayak! Hope you get to enjoy it soon! Do you plan to take it out east, on our trip?

  2. Hey Richard,

    Glad you like the kayak - I'm a pretty big fan myself :)
    I'm definitely taking it out with us - can't wait to get it on the water!


  3. Great! I must say getting out on the water, be it a river, lake, inlet or the ocean is always great. I hope you get to use it soon.

    I must say I'm really looking fwd to getting over to Canada and spending time travelling & kayaking (and seeing family). By the time I get to Ontario I will have been 8 1/2yrs since I was there... Probably a bit too long.
    I should email you and Ed, re a few thoughts for our trip.

    Btw: I'm enjoying your blog. It is interesting to get a picture of someone you've never met via their published thoughts. I'm not much of a blogger myself maybe I have few thoughts.....
    Perhaps you could post an entry or two with your plans for our trip. Perhaps we'll get a few other people interested. (But it's your blog!)

  4. Hmmm...good idea - might do!

    I'll be looking out for an e-mail about the trip.

